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Local Coffee Roasters

Support local businesses and see what we have to offer as local coffee roasters


If you’re anything like us, you can’t quite function in the morning until you’ve had your first sip of coffee. Helping to give us a boost and get us ready for the day, nothing is quite as powerful and stimulating as a fresh cup of coffee, and what better way to enjoy your coffee than by choosing something from a local coffee roaster?


Forget instant coffee or coffee pods and treat yourself to genuine single origin beans


Here at Two Dogs Coffee Roasting Company Ltd we are a husband and wife team who wanted to put their passion for coffee together and create something for everyone to enjoy. We only work with verified coffee suppliers and all our products are ethically sourced.


We’re used to working with one-off orders and large orders for businesses, festivals and events. Whatever type of coffee you’re looking for, we’re confident that we’ve got the perfect coffee for you.


To browse our full range of coffee beans and learn their origins, take a look around our website today.


Check out our previous article here.

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